The “Mount Zion Victory Empowerment Foundation” (MZVEF) was founded in July 2013 in Nigeria by Evangelist Chidinma Ogbuogu in co-operation with “Mount Zion Victory Outreach” (MZVO) in UK to improve the lives of widows and orphans in the Society.
The organisation that cast their bread upon the waters, (Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will repay him for his deed.) (Proverb 19:17).
The organisation has been set up to offer support directly and indirectly to bereaved families which also includes better understanding and good practice amongst individuals affected by the death of a loved one in the family and professionals concerned with the death. We are always looking to increase public awareness regarding bereavment, especially where religious and cultural issues are causing a major challenge.
Aims & Objectives
1. To give the orphans and widows love, support and encouragement to live a meaningful life.
2. To enable helpless widows to have a means of livelihood through aids and grants.
3. To give hope to the orphans to have a bright future through scholarship schemes.